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Dear Concerned Investor,

Brace yourself.

Thanks to increased volatility in the Middle East—including the growing potential for a war between Iran and Israel—gas prices are on the verge of jumping to more than $9 a gallon.

But even as these soaring prices take a big bite out of your budget in the months, they could also turn into an opportunity for you to make 5 times your money with an undervalued junior oil company.

Plus, the company is sitting on so much oil that even if oil prices stay right where they are, you could still double your money

The company: New Western Energy Corp. (NWTR)—a little-known, U.S.-based junior oil and gas company that’s already producing oil in Oklahoma and Texas.

Double—or even quintuple—your money
in the midst of stock market turmoil

Right now, New Western Energy Corp. (NWTR) is sitting on 13.7 million barrels of oil valued at $1.3 billion—and the value of every barrel it owns could increase right along with the price of oil.

A modest $5,000 investment in this still-unknown company could quickly turn into $25,000 or more if and when Middle East tensions boil over into full-fledged conflict.

But even if war in the Middle East is averted, you could still turn $5,000 into $10,000 because the company’s share price doesn’t even begin to reflect the company’s massive holdings of the black gold that the U.S. economy depends on.

And get this: Despite its 13.7 million barrels of oil—and the fact that the company is already producing oil in Oklahoma and Texas—its shares are priced like it’s a debt-ridden, fly-by-night exploration company.

World Crude Oil Prices
Though oil prices have pulled back slightly over the past month, they’re up an astounding 73.9% since 2009. And if outright war breaks out in the Middle East, prices could quickly soar even higher—perhaps to $125 a barrel and beyond. Investors in New Western Energy (NWTR) could make 400% profits—enough to turn $5,000 into $25,000—over the next 12 months.

Simply put, this company is a perfect candidate for short-term profits—even while the stock market is falling.

Thanks to the volatile situation in the Middle East, I expect oil prices to soar over the next 2 years. And that could dramatically increase the value of New Western Energy’s oil reserves.

Listen…I’m so impressed by this company, its 13.7 million barrels of recoverable oil reserves and management’s more than 100 years’ worth of experience in petroleum geology and engineering, I strongly believe you could potentially double your money even if oil prices remain flat.

However, if things blow up in the Middle East, you could make 5 times your money or better over the next 12 months.

A unique opportunity with a hugely undervalued company

Right now, New Western Energy is trading for 58 cents a share. But with nearly $1.3 billion worth of recoverable reserves (at today’s oil prices)—this stock could shoot up to $1.30 a share.

And that’s if things remain calm in the Middle East and oil prices don’t budge.

But thanks to geopolitical instability—especially in the Middle East—I believe a $30-per-barrel spike could be around the corner. And that could send the value of New Western’s reserves soaring.

A modest investment in New Western Energy Corp. (NWTR) now could help you soften the blow of rising oil prices. After all, every $5,000 you invest could turn into $25,000 within the next 12 months.

However, even if oil prices stay right where they are, New Western Energy Corp. is sitting on enough oil reserves to potentially double your money.

Take a look…

$118 million worth of oil in the sands of Oklahoma

New Western Energy (NWTR) owns property rights in two significant properties in the immensely productive Bartlesville Sand Formation in Oklahoma that hold a total of 20 wells: the Phillips Lease and the Glass Lease. And the Glass Lease is already in production!

Oklahoma properties: If oil prices spike back to $125 a barrel, New Western Energy (NWTR) could be sitting on reserves worth $118 million in Oklahoma alone.

The company is sitting on recoverable reserves of 944,915 barrels of oil in Oklahoma alone. And two of the wells on the Glass Lease were put into production back in June 2009, meaning there’s a proven history of production.

At $95 per barrel, that’s $89.7 million worth of oil from these two properties…

But if oil prices spike back up to $100 per barrel…you’re looking at $94.4 million worth of oil…and at $125 per barrel…New Western Energy Corp. is sitting on more than $118 million worth of “Sooner Oil Riches.”

However, Oklahoma is just one part of the equation…

Stake your claim to the $1.1 billion “Kansas Oil Boom” windfall!

Early in 2012, New Western (NWTR) made two key acquisitions that have helped it solidify its outstanding portfolio of assets in Kansas, which is in the midst of a surprising oil boom attracting major oil industry players, including Chesapeake Energy, SandRidge Energy and even Shell Oil.

In March, New Western Energy acquired a 90% working interest in the B&W Ranch Oil and Gas Lease in Chautauqua County, Kansas.

This 1,700-acre property is has the potential to host numerous oil and gas discoveries.

Kansas oil boom: New Western is sitting on estimated reserves of 12 million barrels worth $1.14 billion at today's prices.

The B&W Ranch Lease is located in the Chautauqua Arch—in the middle of a region known for its historical production. The recoverable reserves are estimated at 9,141,823 barrels of oil worth $868.4 million.

A 2011 report on the property estimates that the lease potential exists for the discovery of 3 to 4 oil formations—as well as 3 to 4 gas formations.

And that’s not all. In May, the company acquired the Smith Lease—a 550-acre property with potential reserves worth more than $280.9 million.

A potential $68.7 million worth of black gold in Texas!

New Western’s (NWTR) Texas holdings begin with the Swenson Lease—a 160-acre property in Jones County, Texas, surrounded by wells with a proven history of oil production.

The initial test well on this property provided spectacular results. And recoverable reserves are now projected at 88,677 barrels of oil—worth $8.4 million at today’s oil prices.

Better yet, the company has additional leases next to the Swenson property—at McLellan and Reves—with a recoverable reserve of 135,164 barrels.

Altogether, New Western’s total recoverable reserves in Jones County are just 223,841 barrels of oil—worth $21.2 million at today’s prices.

But if oil prices spike to $125, New Western Energy (NWTR) could find itself sitting on more than $27.9 million worth of oil in Jones County alone.

This is great news for a little-known exploration and production company that trades for 58 cents. You can see why I think it’s likely the share price could double even before oil prices begin to spike!

Better yet, New Western’s Trice and Moran properties in Shackelford County, Texas, host 36 oil wells and six water injection wells.

Early projections put the recoverable reserves at 500,000 barrels of oil from these two properties.

And the Trice property is already producing oil.

Texas properties: New Western's properties in Texas hold projected recoverable oil reserves that could be worth $68.7 million.

With potentially 723,841 barrels of oil in Texas alone, New Western Energy (NWTR) is—quite possibly—sitting on $68.7 million worth of oil at today’s prices.

And a spike in oil prices to $125—which is just a Middle Eastern conflict away—could send the value of the oil in Texas alone to more than $ $90.4 million.

These Texas properties are just another reason I strongly recommend you add New Western Energy Corp. (NWTR) to your portfolio.

The potential value of the company’s recoverable reserves is strong enough to justify a price that could reach more than $1.30 per share—and that’s before a potential spike in oil prices is factored in.

Anatomy of a bargain:
More than $1.3 billion worth of oil—yet New Western
Energy Corp. (NWTR) is STILL undervalued!

The case for New Western Energy is simple:

  • Its Oklahoma properties have recoverable reserves of 944,915 barrels of oil.
  • In Kansas, its reserves are conservatively estimated at 12 million barrels.
  • And in Texas, the company could be sitting on another 723,841 barrels.

That’s $1.3 billion worth of oil—at today’s prices—that New Western is sitting on right now.

If oil spikes to $125, as I expect, that brings the total up to $1.7 billion.

I don’t know any other way to put it: At 58 cents a share—and sitting on this much oil—New Western Energy is an absolute steal right now.

5 critical advantages New Western Energy has
that could help you make 5 times your money

With its impressive collection of assets, New Western Energy Corp. (NWTR) is poised to provide outstanding potential returns to investors who act quickly while the company’s share price is still low.

But what makes New Western Energy stand apart from the “other” small oil companies you’ve seen over the past few years?

Based on my experience—and my close examination of this company—I see five critical advantages that New Western Energy brings to the table…advantages that work in your favor!

  • Critical Advantage #1: New Western Energy isn’t just searching for oil—it’s already producing in Oklahoma and Texas. I can’t stress enough just how important this advantage is—New Western has already progressed to the point of production in multiple locations!
  • Critical Advantage #2: The company’s experienced management team has an impressive combined history of more than 100 years in petroleum geology and engineering.
  • Critical Advantage #3: New Western is aggressively acquiring great properties—at low entry costs—and then exploiting the upside potential. They’re taking advantage of the success they’ve had to date—and looking to build their property portfolio quickly.
  • Critical Advantage #4: New Western Energy’s balance sheet is strong—and their joint venture approach maximizes the upside potential with reduced downside risk with each new well.
  • Critical Advantage #5: New Western Energy presents a “heads-you-win…tails-you-win-more” scenario. You see…even if the situation in the Middle East stabilizes…and oil prices remain flat—New Western Energy is still a potential double.

    But when you factor in the potential for a sudden, upward spike in oil prices—thanks to conflict in the Middle East—you’ve got the potential for a life-altering investment return on your hands.

I strongly urge you to consider adding New Western Energy (NWTR) to your portfolio today.

When you do, you’ll be taking advantage of what I consider to be one of the best junior oil company opportunities to come along in years…and you’ll set yourself up for potential triple-digit profits within the next 12 months.

If you want to go one step further—and begin building lasting wealth whether the stock market is trading higher or lower—then I encourage you to try my weekly online market letter—Cotton’s Technically Speaking—so you can begin cashing in on double- and triple-digit stock winners on a regular basis.

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Make 5 Times Your Money with This Oil and Gas Superstar

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Joseph Cotton
Joseph Cotton
Editor, Cotton’s Technically Speaking

P.S. I’m convinced that New Western Energy Corp. (NWTR) could help you rake in double- or triple-digit profits in the next 12 months even without a spike in oil prices. But given the instability in the Middle East…a spike of $30 or more in oil prices could happen overnight—sending New Western shares soaring much higher! It’s important that you get in today before that big move happens!

P.P.S. Start your subscription to Cotton’s Technically Speaking and get up to 2 FREE Special Reports valued at $78—plus the quick response bonus if you respond in the next 10 days! To order, call 1-727-1-727-343-3439 (10:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. EST, Monday–Friday) or click here right now.